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Marketing Gamechanger Meets the "Big Game:" soothrbowl 2023

Sooth launches soothrbowl 2023, where industry experts analyze Big Game commercials in real-time based on emotional impacts crucial for consumer decision-making

As millions gather to watch The Big Game – many will be invested in the teams on the field, others to the superstar halftime show and still others to the collection of commercials in between. sooth – a new marketing consultancy with a patent-pending AI powered data methodology fostering deeper human-brand connections will be there too.

On its various digital platforms, the company will kick off soothrbowl 2023 with its assembled panel of experts dishing truths about this year’s game through the lens of human understanding. Based on the patent-pending sooth method, the panel will break down the ads in real-time, focusing on key emotions that drive consumer decisions in each ad category: from beer to sports betting, candy, and more.

“This is the game within the game,” said founder and chief soothsayer Ian Baer, who has held leadership roles at several of the world’s top agencies for more than 30 years. “The ads represent a massive amount of a brand’s annual budget as well as a creative team’s time, energy and effort – they’ve put in as much work as the teams on the field and data shows that most marketing campaigns ultimately fail – which is a loss nobody wants.”

Baer continues: “There will be plenty of Monday morning quarterbacks focusing on the creative, production and other aesthetics instead of what really matters: emotional connection with those who will choose whether or not to buy the product. On soothrbowl 2023, we’ll look at these spots in a new way. Instead of focusing on production values, taglines and celebrities, we’ll use our proprietary evaluative model to focus on the emotional impact of these campaigns and evaluate their effectiveness at creating connections betweeen people and brands.”

The soothrbowls 2023 team of referees include comedy write and executive producer David Brody (The Elvis Duran Morning Show, The Brooklyn Boys podcast), as well as media industry expect Meghan Peters (The Idea Integration Company and formerly of Facebook, Mashable and The Wall Street Journal), and is led by Baer – whose patent-pending sooth method helps brands to predict and map consumer decisions by unlocking the science of human emotion.

Viewers are encouraged to join the live event during the Big Game on February 12 from 5:45 until 9:00 pm EST via sooth’s Facebook and YouTube pages. They can play along with the refs as they send up the game’s advertising tropes with the “soothrbowl BS lingo” eating/drinking game, and score along with the official soothrbowl 2023 connection scorecard – both of which can be downloaded at soothetold.com/soothrbowl.

In addition, there will be a comprehensive analysis of ads across 11 consumer categories published the day after the Big Game, as well as a roundup on the company’s YouTube channel. Daily updates can be accessed all week leading up to soothrbowl 2023 by following sooth on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.

ABOUT sooth

sooth is a groundbreaking marketing consultancy with a patent-pending methodology that uses deep data, AI and human intellect to give brands/marketers a precise emotional blueprint for every individual, community and population – enabling brands to shift from reactive, “customer-centric” activities to becoming life-centric. Because…as founder and chief soothsayer Ian Baer simply notes: “Marketing should help more, and hurt less.”